Friends of Anahuac Refuge
Jason Miles
East Unit Hunting Reservation System
Chris Campbell
Welcome to the Anahuac NWR Hunting Reservation System
The first reservations will be taken on October 19 and 20 at 7 PM for youth and veteran weekend (October 26 and 27). Then the season opens that following Saturday (November 2). Details can be found on our brochure, but basically the reservations are seven days before the day of the reservation at 7 PM.
The 2024-2025 Waterfowl Hunting Brochure has been published online and will be distributed along with the East Unit Annual Permit. ​​
Notice: The Annual Permit fee has increased from $40 to $48 and the daily access fees have changed from $10 to $12.
CLICK HERE for any questions concerning the reservation system.
Mike Fahey
Congratulations to Mike Fahey and all the weekly winners of the 2024 Photo Contest! This year, we received an incredible array of stunning submissions capturing the beauty and diversity of the inhabitants of Anahuac NWR. Thank you for your passion and talent in capturing the essence of Anahuac's wildlife. Your contributions inspire us all to cherish and protect this rich habitat.
All photos were taken at the refuge between March 10 and May 25, 2024. A “Photo of the Week” was chosen each week, and the winning image was chosen from the 11 “Photo of the Week” winners.
Wildlife refuges are specifically created to preserve habitat for wildlife. Anahuac NWR is no different, but remains accessible for a variety of uses. Walking trails, driving loops, boardwalks, fishing piers, and boat ramps are available across the refuge.