The Refuge
Wildlife refuges are specifically created to preserve habitat for wildlife.  Anahuac NWR is no different, but remains accessible for a variety of uses.  Walking trails, driving loops, boardwalks, fishing piers, and boat ramps are available across the refuge. Visit the Headquarters Visitor Center or Main Refuge Visitor Information Station for more information. Â
Where to get information

Headquarters and Visitor Center
Making a stop at the Visitor Center is highly recommended for first-time visitors. In addition to maps and information, wildlife and land management exhibits introduce the refuge and provide an overview of what you can expect to see. There is also a nature store operated by the Friends.
Behind the Visitor Center is the
Lake Anahuac Trail and Boardwalk. It is about 1/4 mile long ends on a boardwalk overlooking Lake Anahuac. There are no entry fees and all exhibits are free.
If the center is not open, there are brochures and maps available in outside kiosks.
Visitor Information Center (VIS)
The Visitor Information Station (VIS) is located on the refuge about 20 miles southeast of the Visitor Center. It also has exhibits and a nature store operated by the Friends. There are no fees to enter the refuge, but visitors are asked to register on the sign-in sheet in the VIS when it is open.
If the center is not open, there are brochures and maps available in outside kiosks.
NOTE: No drinkable water is available on the Main Refuge or Skillern tract.

Things to Explore
Links to U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Refuge Headquarters and Visitor Center
Cypress Trail (Lake Anahuac Trail)
Main Refuge
Hackberry Trail
Shoveler Pond Auto Tour Loop and Boardwalk Trail
Willows Trail
Butterfly Garden
Woodlot Trail
Skillern Tract
Honeysuckle Trail
Live Oak Trail
Rookery Trail