Get Involved
Anahuac Needs You! ​
Thank you for your support!
Come Join the FUN!!!

Dora Hatch
We are always looking for volunteers to help make our organization run. Take a look at volunteer opportunities and our Events page and pick out what you want to do! See contact information below. All members get email notifications of upcoming volunteer opportunities for the Friends and for the Refuge. You can also 'Like' our Facebook page for more updates.
Become a Member
Support the refuge at public events and meetings
Fundraising for refuge projects and obtains for projects on the refuge
Raise public awareness about the refuge
Host volunteer work days on the refuge
Operate two nature stores
Lead wildlife watching excursions on the refuge
Develop an educational program for children in local schools

David Sarkozi
Become a Committee Member
Friends of Anahuac Refuge (FOAR) has several committees to help manage our work at the refuge. As specific projects come up, sub-committees are established. The members of the sub-committees may be board members or non-board members.
If you would like to become involved in Anahuac Refuge activities, learn more about our refuge, meet others with like interests, committee work is a perfect opportunity.

Jason Miles

Charles Brewer
Become a Board Member
Jason Miles
Being a Member of the Board of Friends of Anahuac Refuge is very rewarding. It is also a learning opportunity for those who are interested in nature, wildlife, native plants, fundraising, grant writing, being a project leader, volunteering, being a part of something big and important. Bring your skills to this diverse group so that we may make a difference in this world together.
The board works closely with US Fish and Wildlife Service staff to complete projects that without volunteers would be impossible to complete. We are a group who enjoys working together for the greater good. Please leave your contact information at the email address below and someone will call you to answer your questions and provide more details.