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Become A Member

What the Friends Do

  • Support the refuge at public events and meetings

  • Fundraising for refuge projects and complete projects on the refuge

  • Raise public awareness about the refuge

  • Host volunteer work days on the refuge

  • Operate two nature stores

  • Lead wildlife watching excursions on the refuge

  • Develop an educational program for children in local schools

Ryan Leimbach

Get Involved

  • Assist in various projects on the refuge

  • Share ideas at membership meetings

  • Join a committee

  • Serve on the Board of Directors

Benefits of Joining

  • You will also be the first to receive emails about our projects and refuge news

  • Eligible to receive 10% off all purchases at our nature stores

  • Invitation to attend our Annual Membership Meeting in January and monthly board meetings

  • Have the satisfaction knowing that you’re making a difference!

Corporate Membership

Are you a local business interested in supporting the Friends?  Contact us at about becoming a corporate member.

New or Renewing Membership

You can sign up or renew your existing membership in person at one of our nature stores with cash, check, or online below through PayPal with a credit card. Additionally, you can also sign up or renew your membership through the mail by sending a check to us at:

Friends of Anahuac Refuge

P.O. Box 1348

​​Anahuac, TX 7751


Membership Levels

1- Individual - $15.00 (USD)

Subscription period: 1 year

No automatically recurring payments

For single person


2 - Family - $22.50 (USD)

Subscription period: 1 year

No automatically recurring payments

Best for families who join


3 - Sustaining - $50.00 (USD)

Subscription period: 1 year

No automatically recurring payments


4 Family Sustaining - $75.00 (USD)

Subscription period: 1 year

No automatically recurring payments


5 - Corporate - $100.00 (USD)

Subscription period: 1 year

No automatically recurring payments


6 - Lifetime - $300.00 (USD)

Subscription period: Unlimited

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