Friends of Anahuac Refuge (FOAR) has several committees to help manage our work at the refuge. As specific projects come up, sub-committees are established. The members of the sub-committees may be board members or non-board members.
If you would like to become involved in Anahuac Refuge activities, learn more about our refuge, meet others with like interests, committee work is a perfect opportunity.
Karen Jones
Standing Committees
Operations Committee
The mission of the Operations committee is to review and maintain FOAR bylaws, standard operating procedures, US Fish and Wildlife Service agreement, and manage financial matters.
Outreach and Capacity Building Committee
The mission of the Outreach and Capacity Building committee is to build the membership of FOAR, recruit volunteers, manage FOAR presence on social media, issue publications, solicit donations, coordinate various outreach events and participation at local festivals.
Projects and Programs Committee
The mission of the Projects and Programs committee is to develop and implement projects and ongoing programs that enhance and showcase Anahuac NWR. The committee is responsible for budgeting and fundraising (including grants) for projects and programs and administering the photo contest. Some of the recent enhancements include improvements to the Jackson Prairie Woodlot, the Willows Trail, the Hackberry Trail, the Butterfly Garden, as well as development of an audio tour and adult education series.
Nature Stores Committee
The mission of the Nature Stores committee is to provide oversight and policy recommendations to the Board of Directors for the nature stores, make financial decisions regarding the operation of the nature stores, determine retail items to carry that are related to Anahuac NWR habitat and wildlife, design new merchandise, and provide volunteer presence in the nature stores.